Thursday, February 10, 2011

Traffic and Electrolytes

On the way home yesterday, I saw something I had never seen before. In the US, it is frustrating when you stop at a stop sign with one or two others and no one knows who should go first. Manisha, Virendra and I came upon a signal light that was out with no traffic cop to direct traffic. It was chaos! The stream of cars who had a path just kept going whether they had to stop and block everyone else or not. We sat there about 5 - 10 minutes before the rickshaws and motorbikes started pushing their way in. At that point total gridlock, no one could move an inch! I still don't know how it got sorted out but eventually Virendra was able to find a way through. I wish I would have gotten a picture for you to see.

The other part of this post's title is electrolytes. The doctor here prescribed them with some other things I was already taking. First this means I had to visit a pharmacy (medical shop) which was actually a very pleasant experience. I would equate it to a Walgreen's for anyone from the US. Anyway, you mix this powder with water and it is supposed to help with my weakness. First of all, yuck! the stuff tastes terrible. But, it does work miracles. I feel stronger than I've felt in days.

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