Thursday, February 17, 2011


I've written a lot about challenges in my personal life and adjusting but since the majority of my time here is spent working I thought I would devote one post to that topic. There are some things I take for granted in the states. One is our working hours. When in Minneapolis, I tend to get in early and leave for sure before 5 PM. This means all of my free time is chunked together in the evenings. Here, my free time is split between the morning and the evening. This really limits what can be done in either free times. I also feel for those that have to commute up to 2 hours each way due to traffic and train schedules. This greatly extends their day. The second thing I took for granted is having a guest wireless network. That doesn't exist here and is rough when trying to work with my iPad and/or phone. Finally, due to my PC being Win 7, I can't use any sort of wireless with my PC. I've been relying on a broadband card and cables. A fix is in the works and I can't wait! I'm learning so much here about the people and the environment in which they work. What an experience!

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