Sunday, February 27, 2011

Are you smarter than a stove?

Well, the issues with the mice was not resolved and I have moved to a new apartment over the weekend. I'm 5 floors higher so hopefully the mice won't be able to follow. I returned to my old apartment after a night away to pick up a couple more things and my decision to move was confirmed after I saw what the mice did with free rein of the apartment for a night. I'm starting to think instead of mice, I had a pack of wild dogs. My new apartment has been more recently renovated than the old apartment and is very nice. I don't have as nice of view but that is a small price to pay. I was lucky to get a heads up from the other ex-pats that the new stove is different because the stove is easily smarter than I am. I figured out how to turn on the stove but the pans from my old apartment never got hot. I was thoroughly confused. My very helpful fellow ex-pats told that the stove works with special pans that when burner and pan link, only then does the pan get hot. After requesting and receiving pans from the front desk, I put this to the test because come on, no stove links with its pans does it??? Sure enough, the pan almost instantly got hot but the burner itself was hardly warm. This is an amazing invention! However, I don't even want to know how expensive these pans are or what happens if/when I scorch one.

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